I am away on Thursday 23/1/25.
My Practice policies since 2012 to help provide organised, accessible and affordable healthcare:
1.Use the AMS connect app to book appts.
2. pls ring up to book long appts for mental health problems, iron infusions, or multiple problems.
3. Given the busyness of clinical practice If you cannot follow up with me within 2 weeks for test results or general follow up pls book in with one of my colleagues.
4.If you cannot get appt on the day pls ring reception.
5. Each 15 minute appt is for one clinical problem: 10 mins for the consult and 5 mins for admin after the consult.
6. Appt times are a rough guide as I may run late.
7.Pls see my colleagues if I am away or you cannot get an appt to see me.
8.From 1.7.24 I will only be bulk billing pts who have registered with my medicare.
Cert OCCMED (Monash)
Cert plant based nutrition (Cornell)
member of the Australian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, member of PCRM, member of Australian association of Psychological medicine and member of the Australian ADHD Professionals Association.
Health Films for your consideration on Youtube and Netflix to help explain the basis of a whole food plant based
diet- please type the title into the search bar of youtube or Netflix.
(plant based receipe websites below in green under useful links, use beyondblue, blackdog and medcircle for online mental health support and resources )
1.The Game changers (Netflix)
2.Kiss the ground (netflix)
3.what the health (youtube or netflix)
4.Fat sick and nearly dead (Netflix)
5.Forks over knives (youtube):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNKco49LOtM
6.cowspiracy (youtube or netflix)
7.An introduction to a whole food plant based diet Dr Lim (youtube)
8.The c word (Netflix)
9.Dr Neil Barnard berlin (youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLqINF26LSA
10.The vegetarian society of Hawaii dr Michael klapper (youtube)
11.The vegetarian society of Hawaii dr Michael greger (youtube)
12.The interrelatedness of diet nutrition and the immune system (youtube)
13.Dr Mcdougall's colour picture book (youtube)
14.chris beat cancer food (youtube)
15.chris beat cancer riki lake (youtube)
16.Confessions of a reformed cardiologist:A plant based diet and your heart (youtube)
17.The end of diabetes and super immunity by Dr joel Fuhrman (youtube)
18.Dr Joel Fuhrman- 3 steps to incredible health (youtube)
19.fat sick and nearly dead 2 (Netflix)
20.Vegan 2020 the movie (youtube)
21.whats with wheat (youtube)
22.life with schizophrenia according to a psychiatrist- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeBdPFYHKJM
23.No excuse workout- couch Potato Workout(youtube)
24.Jabbed- full film available on sbs on demand (youtube)
25.60 minutes influenza(youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnaWIx0gsT0
26. Food choices (amazon prime)
27.An interview with Dr dennis Burkitt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA1fkVLqhmE
28. https://aadpa.com.au/australian-adhd-guideline-launch/
29.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EghiY_s2ts -alcohol addiction
m- 8-2
t- 10-2
w- 8-2
th- 8-2
fri- Off
sat- Off
sun- 9-4
Special interests
mental health
weight management
lifestyle medicine
occupational health

Better Health Victoria – https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/
- Health NSW – http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx
- My Gov – https://my.gov.au/LoginServices/main/login?execution=e1s1
- Beyond blue - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/
- Black Dog Institute – http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/
- Asthma Australia - https://www.nationalasthma.org.au
- Immunise Australia - http://www.immunise.health.gov.au/
- Smart traveller - http://smartraveller.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx
- https://movingmedicine.ac.uk/
- https://www.pcrm.org
- https://www.Nutritionfacts.org
- https://www.oldwayspt.org
- https://plantbasedonabudget.com
- https://www.richroll.com
- https://www.impacttheory.com
- https://www.simnettnutrition.com
- https://www.vsh.org
- https://www.plantbasednews.org
- https://www.therawfoodkitchen.com
- https://www.avantgardevegan.com
- https://www.thedoctorskitchen.com
- https://www.forksoverknives.com
- https://www.medcircle.com
- https://www.doctorklaper.com
- https://www.drmcdougall.com
- https://www.drfuhrman.com
- https://davidgoggins.com
- https://www.pickuplimes.com
Ambulance, Fire, Police 000
NSW mental health supportline 1800 011 511
Life line 13 11 14
Youth line 02 9633 3666
Poisons Information 131 126
Health direct Australia 1800 022 222
Westmead Adult’s Hospital 02 8890 5555
Westmead Children’s Hospital 02 9845 0000
Blacktown Hospital 02 9881 8000
Norwest Private Hospital 02 8882 8882
Sydney Adventist Hospital 02 9487 9111
© 2017 Dr Sanj Nagulendran